Becoming (11979)
  • Becoming (11979)
  • Becoming (11980)
  • Becoming (11981)
JPG700 x 434 px249 kb
JPG1920 x 1080 px1 mb
JPG1920 x 1080 px1 mb
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Graphic based on the quote "God became man so that man could become God." - St. Athanasius. Possible Theme(s) include: - The Incarnation - The Resurrection - The relationship between man and God - Journeying through life with Christ - Becoming part of the Body of Christ Imagery: - 3 circles intersecting to represent the Holy Trinity - Blood drop as a representation of Christ's sacrifice and the union between man and God - The woods area to represent a place of "the lost" and man's journey towards perfect unity with God.

File Details
  • File #:
  • Category:Slides
  • Keywords:blood, christ, cross, death, god, jesus, life, love, relationship, resurrection, trees, trinity, unity, becoming
  • Total Files:3
  • Resolution:72 dpi
  • File Types:JPG
  • Fonts Used:N / A
  • Uploaded:Jan 08, 2012