The Afterlife Sermon Series (84973)
  • The Afterlife Sermon Series (84973)
  • The Afterlife Sermon Series (84974)
JPG1440 x 1080 px166 kb
JPG1440 x 1080 px87 kb
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The Afterlife Sermon Series

The Afterlife is a sermon series artwork design meant to be used in all sorts of class or worship settings. The artwork includes a title slide and a blank slide. It is meant to invoke the simple thought that our journey in the world to come can begin in a moment - one heartbeat from now.

File Details
  • File #:
  • Category:Slides
  • Keywords:death, sermon series, slides
  • Resolution:1829 dpi
  • File Types:JPG
  • Fonts Used:N / A
  • Uploaded:Jan 01, 2020