VIDEO 1128191:10
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Why We Give

Why do we give? We give to make a difference, to touch hearts and change lives. We give to feed the hungry, care for the sick and comfort those in need. We give to show Jesus to our neighbors, our community and to the World. We give as an act of worship to a God who has given everything. We give because we are the Church. The Body of Christ. Called to be a light in the darkness, a city on a hill which cannot be hidden. The hands and feet of Jesus, sharing the hope of the Gospel. This…Is why we give.

File Details
  • File #:
  • Category:Mini Movies
  • Keywords:community, evangelism, give, giving, money, world, finances, sacrifice, helping, offering, tithes, witness
  • Total Files:1
  • File Types:MOV, MPG, WMV
  • File Formats:  
  • Uploaded:Feb 17, 2023